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Tokyo Maintenance Center

TOPBusiness ActivitiesTokyo Maintenance Center

Tokyo Maintenance Center

- Helicopter engine maintenance business -

TMC operates ① Engine Maintenance Center ② Aircraft Parts Center ③ Training Academy in order to respond promptly to customer needs, contributing to the safe operation of our customers.

01Engine maintenance center

In June 2022, TMC received an approved organization certification from the Civil Aviation Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for its turbine engines of Safran Helicopter Engines. In October 2022, TMC became a Certified Maintenance Center of Safran Helicopter Engines. TMC is providing deep maintenance services up to Level 3 for helicopter turbine engines manufactured by Safran Helicopter Engines.

02Aircraft Parts Center

The Aircraft Parts Center provides logistic services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to meet customer needs for aircraft parts, engines, and engine parts.

03Training Academy

TMC operates a training center certified by Safran Helicopter Engines and provides engine maintenance training by the certified instructor.